Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Day Off

Tomorrow is my day off. The day I have off varies from week to week so it doesn't fall into a regular pattern. I always really enjoy the night before a day off. It feels a bit like a holiday - I can stay up a little bit later, read an extra chapter in a book. I don't have to think about what to wear in the morning or what to pack for lunch. And I can look forward to a great morning - reading the paper cover to cover while drinking a good cup of coffee. Then I will have time to do the Daily New York Times Crossword. Wednesday and Thursday have really good puzzles, Friday is just too hard. I am in relaxation mode alreday.

Tomorrow I have to do several errands but the most fun one will be to go to Don's Photo and get prints of the pictures we took of Oliver. He is two weeks older already and changing I am sure but it will still be nice to put a picture of him on my desk at school. I want to make a nice print of one of Scott and Margaret - we don't have a good couple picture of them. The only one we took in BC has me in it too. But it will have to do for now.

I may even do some Christmas shopping...........

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