Tuesday, May 8, 2007

The future is here........

When I was a kid (a pretty long time ago) we loved the spy shows like Man from U.N.C.L.E. and Get Smart. They always had phones where you could see the other person and we'd say, "Someday there will be real phone like that." Well, tonight Scott and I hooked up via iChat. COOL - yet very strange. I visited with Margaret too - but we decided there should be some sort of etiquette for telecommunication like this. How do you greet someone, how do you signal its time to go. We kept feeling that we should wave like you do when you are being video taped. Its a cool technology and I'm sure it will become just another part of our lives soon enough.

Another irritating point of technology - I think some fax machine is calling our number. It happens about every hour. Sure hope it isn't programmed to call all night.

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