Tuesday, July 22, 2008

and a time to die.

My dad died a little over two weeks ago. Mom called me and my siblings to come home on Sunday, July 6. All of us were just ready to go to church. We all got to church, talked to a few people and then turned around and went to pack to Iowa. We spent Monday sitting with him and my mom, reading the Bible, talking and just waiting. At 5:10 he quit breathing. My mom and Emily were with him. Jay was calling Lydia and Hank and I had taken a walk to see how Sandy's house was coming. It just shows how helpless and ineffective we all are in the face of death. We watched Dad's health fail drastically since Christmas, Mom lovingly cared for him at home through some really hard times with the help of wonderful hospice nurses and we all sat with him off and on all day. But when it came time for God to actually call him home, we weren't ready for it. This year I have read "My times are in your Hands" over and over again. They truly are.

Friday, July 4, 2008

A Time to Live......

Its a beautiful warm summer night and we just had ice cream with the Jory's. All babies are wonderful and cute but Elliott just tugs at our hearts. After so many hospital stays and so much worry, its just so much fun to watch him grow and be so normal. While they were here, my mom called. Dad is "dying by inches" as she says every time I talk to her and I think she is getting weary. My brother-in-law was talking about how she is living out her wedding vows so beautifully and I think it is something we all should remember. In so many relationships we see or hear about, people give up so easily. Marriage is hard and watching my parents now is very poingnant.

In two weeks, Ryan and Steph and Ollie will be here. I can't wait to see Ollie walking and starting to talk. Elliott will be aware of him too so the cousins should have some fun times. I realize more and more how precious family time is. I am going to enjoy my kids and my grandboys a lot when we are together.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Happy Canada Day

Its Canada Day! I've lived in Canada almost 33 years now. I've been a Canadian for 5. I truly love this country and am glad I actually became a citizen. It took me a long time but it was mostly because I hate filling out forms. I didn't have a deep philosophical reason but in the end decided that this is my country. I am an American by birth and I appreciated my childhood there but I became the adult I am in Canada. So here's to CBC Radio (and TV), heath care, the parliamentary system and Tim Horton's!