Tuesday, July 22, 2008

and a time to die.

My dad died a little over two weeks ago. Mom called me and my siblings to come home on Sunday, July 6. All of us were just ready to go to church. We all got to church, talked to a few people and then turned around and went to pack to Iowa. We spent Monday sitting with him and my mom, reading the Bible, talking and just waiting. At 5:10 he quit breathing. My mom and Emily were with him. Jay was calling Lydia and Hank and I had taken a walk to see how Sandy's house was coming. It just shows how helpless and ineffective we all are in the face of death. We watched Dad's health fail drastically since Christmas, Mom lovingly cared for him at home through some really hard times with the help of wonderful hospice nurses and we all sat with him off and on all day. But when it came time for God to actually call him home, we weren't ready for it. This year I have read "My times are in your Hands" over and over again. They truly are.

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