Tuesday, October 21, 2008

One of those days....

I'm still at school at 3:00 and its supposed to be my afternoon off. It was just one of those days where I was needed. A loud reaction to missing something important by one of our boys with autism took most of the morning. Then there was a visit with a social worker about another. This was a God-thing I think. Last week the SW was talking to me about a course she had taken on an interesting problem and suddenly one child we are confused about came into focus. I asked about it and next thing I know we are meeting next week to set up a program! Things don't usually happen this fast. Then there were discussions on IEPs (Individual Education Plans) with several people and finally a little girl in kindergarten who was afraid to change her clothes after not making it in from recess on time. After a discussion sitting in the kindergarten bathroom stall she informed me that scared and embarrassed are the same thing. Not so much - but as long as the clean pants were NOT a 6 or an X and were black, she would wear them. I admit I lied to her about the size but she came out and the crisis was over.

Some days are like this - even in Winnipeg. But I like them. Even the hard parts.

1 comment:

Margaret said...

ahhh, accidents . . . . I've learned to watch one of my first graders veeeery carefully. Any dancing and mincing, and it's off to the washroom!