Thursday, December 4, 2008


I'm sick today. Not any kind of acute thing - no major sniffles, coughing, running to the bathroom sort of thing. More headachy, cold, stiff, not eating. General malaise. I heard that somewhere and like the sound. I guess I could have sucked it up and made myself go through the motions of the day at school but I'm too old to need to prove myself like that anymore. I also don't have to write up sub plans which may help a bit too. I did worry off and on about the EAs and their boys but I really shouldn't think so much of myself as to imagine that they can't survive without me. So I am home.

I slept all morning and watched a bit of the Canadian political crisis on CBC in the afternoon. Yes! Canada is having a political crisis and its mostly because all of the politicians aren't behaving like nice people. What a surprise. So the drama will now continue for the next month. Pundits are the only winners I think.

I also am going to miss a CD launch I really wanted to go to this evening. Rei Hotoda - asian avant-garde solo piano. It sounds interesting and there was sushi. She's the assistant conductor of the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra and a good friend someone we are close too. I was looking forward to the evening and to spending time with my friend. We don't see each other nearly enough and I miss her.

This is rambling. Time for more peppermint tea and to get to the end of the mystery I am reading. Pure fluff. A good thing to do when you are sick.

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