Sunday, March 25, 2007

Sunday night in Surrey

Its been a beautiful day. The sun shone here - flowers are blooming. It really feels like spring. Scott make profession of faith during really nice service at Hillside CRC in Abbotsford. I am tired and the only modifiers that are coming at really and nice. So just wanted to post that it has been a great day. Ollie is wonderful - we love being with all our kids here in BC.

Oh! and I had to change the look of my blog again. Wanted something springy. That last green template was NOT the way to go. This is better.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Spring Break

I don't have to work tomorrow so I am officially on Spring Break!!

Things I am looking forward to:
-sleeping in tomorrow
-a haircut
-the excitement of going to Vancouver (not the flight, though)
-hanging out with Ry and Steph, Scott and Margaret
-getting to know Ollie again
-the great lattes at Jitters in Vancouver
-talking about Scott and Margaret's wedding
-walking where there is no ice on the streets
-fish and chips and beer and gelatti at White Rock
-Hillside CRC on Sunday when Scott makes profession of faith
-doing a girl thing with Steph and Margaret
I wish:
-Kayla and Harley could be there too.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Good lunch

Last blog - BORING! Sorry. I just had to itemize all the stuff I bought.

Today Kayla and I spent the day together. We went to Osborne Village and ate at an Australian restaurant - Billabong. It was GREAT! There was a really good kiwi dressing on my salad and she had the fish and chips - battered tuna with amazing skinny fries. We had pavlova for dessert. Harley wanted to go there for his birthday lunch but it wasn't open so we went to Cafe 22 instead. Too bad. (Cafe 22 has good food but this was better.) Kayla and I decided we will go there for our birthday dinner in April.

We also just had a lot of fun. I feel really blessed that our kids like to hang out with us. Even the in-laws or in-laws to be, I think. Looking forward to time with the BC crew in 2 weeks!

Oh! Its really melting here today. You need lots and lots of windshield wiper fluid when you are driving around. Spring is coming!

Thursday, March 8, 2007


It is my day off and usually try to avoid stores but today I needed some things. This is what I got and some musings. Oh! I went to three different shopping areas very close together - I didn't have to drive between most of these stops.

First stop: Zellers
-one Timex watch with an analog face but that has a timer.
I bought a watch about a year ago - designer. But the little stem broke and now I am stuck with it, 5 minutes fast and only on Central Standard Time. This will be a problem after this weekend - remember, clocks ahead! I also am always forgetting to meet teachers or children in my job so bought a watch just like my friend who is a school counselor. She is going to have to teach me how to set the timer.
-plastic wall clock
The clock in my little work room at school is broken and again I keep the children too long when I actually remember to go get them.
-a new outdoor mat for the back door
I slipped and fell there this morning. Some water dripping from the roof froze and was covered with a thin coat of powdery snow. Hopefully this will be more safe.
-a new toothbrush
Why are there so many kinds? And why are they so expensive!
A small one for my purse and a larger one for my desk at school.

Second stop: Pharmasave Drug Store
-Get a prescription filled

Third stop: 10,000 Villages (MCC store)
-fair traded, organic coffee for the morning: Mexican Morning
-fair traded, organic coffee for the evening: French Roast Decaf
-fair traded, organic dark hot chocolate mix because it is very very yummy!:Camino brand

Fourth stop: Sobeys
Weekly grocery list.
yogurt, vegetables, fruit, cayenne pepper after an unfortunate cooking mishap, and fixings for Thai food tonight. YUM.

Fifth stop: Pharmasave
The wonder drug that takes away my migraines.
Again, why are there so many kinds!

Sixth stop: Tim's
-Large coffee with double milk. Rolled up to win a ...... doughnut. (Still no nano!)
-3 mini cinnamon rolls.
2 for me, 1 for Hank when he comes home.

Seventh stop: Winnipeg Public Library
-returned 8 books - 3 I never read.
-took out two non-fiction because I am giving up my beloved mysteries for Lent. So far it has been a good thing to do.

So that was my morning. I didn't realize how many places I had gone! But I got the things I needed and now am I'm off to do what I really like to do on my day off - read.

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Times are a-changin'

I was in the hall on Thursday when the Grade Three class was coming in from recess. I overheard one girl say to another, "So, do you want me to come to your real house or your on-line house?"

Wow! Welcome to the 21st century!