Thursday, March 8, 2007


It is my day off and usually try to avoid stores but today I needed some things. This is what I got and some musings. Oh! I went to three different shopping areas very close together - I didn't have to drive between most of these stops.

First stop: Zellers
-one Timex watch with an analog face but that has a timer.
I bought a watch about a year ago - designer. But the little stem broke and now I am stuck with it, 5 minutes fast and only on Central Standard Time. This will be a problem after this weekend - remember, clocks ahead! I also am always forgetting to meet teachers or children in my job so bought a watch just like my friend who is a school counselor. She is going to have to teach me how to set the timer.
-plastic wall clock
The clock in my little work room at school is broken and again I keep the children too long when I actually remember to go get them.
-a new outdoor mat for the back door
I slipped and fell there this morning. Some water dripping from the roof froze and was covered with a thin coat of powdery snow. Hopefully this will be more safe.
-a new toothbrush
Why are there so many kinds? And why are they so expensive!
A small one for my purse and a larger one for my desk at school.

Second stop: Pharmasave Drug Store
-Get a prescription filled

Third stop: 10,000 Villages (MCC store)
-fair traded, organic coffee for the morning: Mexican Morning
-fair traded, organic coffee for the evening: French Roast Decaf
-fair traded, organic dark hot chocolate mix because it is very very yummy!:Camino brand

Fourth stop: Sobeys
Weekly grocery list.
yogurt, vegetables, fruit, cayenne pepper after an unfortunate cooking mishap, and fixings for Thai food tonight. YUM.

Fifth stop: Pharmasave
The wonder drug that takes away my migraines.
Again, why are there so many kinds!

Sixth stop: Tim's
-Large coffee with double milk. Rolled up to win a ...... doughnut. (Still no nano!)
-3 mini cinnamon rolls.
2 for me, 1 for Hank when he comes home.

Seventh stop: Winnipeg Public Library
-returned 8 books - 3 I never read.
-took out two non-fiction because I am giving up my beloved mysteries for Lent. So far it has been a good thing to do.

So that was my morning. I didn't realize how many places I had gone! But I got the things I needed and now am I'm off to do what I really like to do on my day off - read.

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