Saturday, April 14, 2007

Sunshine, birds and the sound of kids

It is one of the first glorious spring days we have had so far. The sky is a beautiful blue and the neighborhood has come to life! I noticed the pair of hairy woodpeckers across the street and one of the downies was in our elm last night. I heard phoebes calling to each other, robins singing and the scratching of the nuthatch on the elm's bark. The migrating finches will soon be here. And the cheeky little red squirrel chased away the ugly gray one AGAIN.

Tulips are poking through the ground and leaf cover in the front bed and a lot of the perennials are slightly green. They made it through the winter. One of the front cedars doesn't look great but the lilac has buds. Everything seems to be resting in the sun and waiting for the chance to burst out.

I spent a couple of hours washing the inside windows of the sunroom, vacuuming all the edges and washing down the furniture. Its ready for a bbq with the Jory's tomorrow and for us to move into there for the next six months or so. YEAH! I sat down in it with lunch and a PD James novel as a reward but kept stopping to listen to the kids screech as they raced their bikes up and down the street. Spring just makes you smile.

I know that in other places you get this weather earlier but after the long dark cold of winter, I think you appreciate the lightness of the air and the joy of the sun so much more.


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