Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Two of my favourite bald guys.

The weather is so beautiful here right now. 20C which is 68F - warm enough for shorts and a T-shirt. But I have not been feeling great because of my usual spring allergies. The new thing this year is that I have been really short of breath which is a bit scary but also annoying. Even if I walked at my normal brisk pace to the staff room to get something from the printer, I was puffing. I was pretty sure it was asthma - my friend Nanci wanted to come over and give me her inhaler on the weekend. So I have been sitting inside a lot. Just when you really want to get outside and rake the flower beds, take long walks, ride your bike - I have to stay inside to avoid the snow mold. So I found myself on the grumpy side for the past few days.

Watching the sad news stories about Virginia Tech added to my feeling of general malaise. (I've always wanted to use that phrase.) So I decided I had to take action. Today I saw my doctor and she gave me a steroid inhaler for my inflamed lungs. I should be breathing better in a few days. I went for lunch at McNally Robinson's with Kayla who was extremely perky today (Was it the purple shirt?) and I got Curb Your Enthusiasm, Season Two as well as several other books from the library. That should do the trick but if it doesn't I always feel better when I look at my screen saver. Its two of my favourite bald guys. They always bring a smile to my face.

1 comment:

Kayler said...

Those are MY favourite bald guys too!!! I don't know why I was so perky - I would definitely say that the purple shirt had something to do with it - thanks for lunch again!!!!