Thursday, June 21, 2007

What a day!

I had a bad day yesterday. I biked to school but left the garage door open all day. Fortunately our golf clubs and the power tools were still there when we got home.

Then we decided to use a gift certificate and go to Moxie's for dinner. When we got home after doing a bit of shopping too, we discovered I have left the back door WIDE OPEN. Nothing was missing again.

Then I planted a few extra marigolds and decided to transplant a sucker from the Virginia Creeper to our now empty arch. (The clematis died this year.) So I crawled into the back of a the flower bed and tried to dig up the little plant with my trowel. It wasn't sharp enough to cut the root and as I was digging deeper I realized I had about 10 mosquitos on my legs. I jumped up, hit my head on the bird feeder sending bird seed flying which caused me to raise my hands, sending the dirt from the trowel onto my head and into my ear.

I decided to quit working in the yard, went inside, took a shower and forgot to call my parents for my dad's birthday and to see how my mom's cornea transplant had gone.

Today will be better.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Garden Things

Lots is happening at school but I am ready for summer so here are a few funny things happening in our yard.

Little bunnies are living under our sunroom. They like to sit on the warm stepping stones and when you go out in the morning, there are little rabbit turds on on all the stepping stones.

The birds in the feeders are very messy and there is a carpet of millet growing under the feeder. But the bunnies really like millet so they go nibble on it and are leaving my other plants alone.

The big ugly grey squirrel doesn't like me and the feeling is mutual. I yell at him and throw things at him when he is in the bird feeder. When I come into the sunroom now and it sees me, it runs up the elm tree and yells at me. This could get ugly.

That's all for now.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

End of the year

Its been a long time since I posted anything. A lot has been going on but most of it busy, end of the year school stuff. And of course, there is this long list of things I have to do before the end of June but other important things keep popping up. Like extra supervision on a child because of family issues or creating a social story for a little girl who fights on the playground. I am screening all the students who will be new to our school next year and all the kindergarten students with late birthdays. (Fall months - in MB children can start school when they are 4. Not a good idea in my opinion.) Its all good stuff but takes a lot of time.

We are doing some great stuff in our yard which is a really nice diversion. Hank put a stepping stone path in on Saturday. I planted the annuals and moved around a lot of the perennials. We are going to dig up the flower bed in front and change it. You are invited to come to our place this summer, enjoy the yard and have a cool drink (alcoholic or non) in the sunroom.
