Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Grandsons and Libraries

Grandsons are a great thing. We took Elliott ( and Kayla) with us to the downtown library today. Hank sat and played with Elliott, shared a couple of board books and just had fun while Kayla looked for more information on feeding babies and some music scores. I just love being able to take home any book that looks interesting and keep it till I'm finished. I pay fines once in awhile but its so worth it. After that we went for lunch. Elliott is a little guy who LOVES to eat. If anyone is eating, he needs to eat - today it was Papa's garlic toast! The Jory's came for supper too and again we pulled out some books for Elliott.

When Ryan and Steph were here with Oliver in July, we went to the Munroe library on the first day they were here. Ollie and I had fun going through all their board books and he took home six or so to read at Grammas. I think its so great that one of his favourites is The Very Hungry Caterpillar. Good books just don't grow old.

I love my little guys. Wish I could see Ollie more often but they are a joy!

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