Monday, September 1, 2008

Goodbye summer, hello school.

Its a cloudy and cool Labour Day. But Hank and I had beautiful weekend at a cabin on Jessica Lake in the Whiteshell. It was warm, sunny and very windy. We took a 6-7 km hike on Saturday and were able to paddle a canoe on Sunday when the wind died down for a few hours. Otherwise we read a lot, ate well and watched the waves on the shore. The Canadian Shield is an amazing geographic feature and the little bit we experienced on the weekend was wonderful. Coming from Iowa where a rock the size of a melon is a thing to note, these massive rocks that people build houses on!!!! boggle my mind. The trees clinging to crevasses and tottering over the blue lakes are almost a cliche of that area but still so beautiful. Check out the Group of Seven - they seem to have captured the aura.

The end of summer is always a bit of a melancholy time. The care free days go so quickly and though part of me really longs for the routines of fall, I also feel a bit anxious about what the school year will bring. This summer was difficult. We knew Dad was failing but death is always hard and his death has reopened some of the wounds of Kevin's. I don't know if that is why the trip to Edmonton was hard too. While visiting there, you always feel the empty spots that Dad, John Wilma and Loren would have filled. It is good to reflect on all of this but perhaps good to move on too.

Now school will start with all the busyness that brings. The excitement of seeing the whole gang again, the challenges of more students with autism, large classes (an item of praise after a fear of low enrollment in the spring) and Hank's role at the Collegiate
until January. But also, the beautiful days of autumn. My favourite season. So here we go. Goodbye summer..........

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