Tuesday, January 2, 2007


It's Janary 2, 2007. Hank and I spent the morning drinking good coffee from the high tech coffee maker Kayla and Harley felt we really needed. (Our old one was Scott's old machine and painfully slow-especially when you NEED your AM coffee.) We are almost finished with our first puzzle of the Christmas break. This is our description of the perfect vacation day!

But it is also a day of reflection. Kevin died a year ago today. I remember clearly the moment James my brother-in-law knocked on the guest room door at his home in Minnesota and told us the unbelievable news. Life has been different since. I see the pain and struggles Sandy, her kids and my parents face daily. His absence is so glaringly obvious to them. But they go on. Its different for each of us, his siblings. Our lives haven't changed in the same way but there are still gaps and so many questions. He was such a lively man. He loved people, loved life, loved his calling as a farmer, loved to sing, the list could go on and on. I'm glad so many Psalmists cried, "why!" to God because I have used their tears to deal with my own. But in the end, I know that no matter what, God holds us and loves us and even if it doesn't seem to make sense, He is still our only comfort.

2006 was also the year Margaret entered Scott's life and our own. We loved her from the moment we met her and are so happy for the two of them. The wedding in July will be fun and joyful.

And November 8, 2006, was also a wonderful day. Oliver Henry was born. Ryan and Steph are and will be great parents. God has blessed them with wisdom and committment and I trust that they will continue to lean on him for help in this big task. Hank and I are going love and enjoy that little boy ( and any other grand kids that may follow!) So many blessings even in the shadow of sorrow.

God is gracious and good and faithful.

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