Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Day off

I just not feeling deep or profound tonight. I was home most of the day because I have Tuesdays off this year.  I slept in, made some good coffee and read the paper.  I almost got the New York Times Crossword filled in perfectly and caught up on some email.  I did the laundry, had lunch, made some plans for my Friendship group and finished rereading A Wind in the Door by Madeleine L'Engle.  I had forgotten how deep and profound she is. She makes me want to look into physics. I wonder if kids are still reading her books.

I went to my massage therapist for my monthly tune up.  He hurts me but in the end it helps the headaches stay away so its worth it.  He works out of his home just down the block so I catch up on the news of his family and often others in the neighbourhood.  Came home and made a pot of Tuscan Soup - HOT Italian sausage, potatoes, kale and beans.  Then off for a hair cut and home for our dinner of soup and whole wheat buns.

The laundry is folded, the bed remade, the dishwasher running. Hank is gone to another meeting so I have a quiet night too.  That was my lovely day.

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