Thursday, March 6, 2014

The Long Winter

As a child, I loved the Little House Series by Laura Ingalls Wilder.  I read every book several times but The Long Winter left lasting images in my mind.  Especially poor blind Mary twisting straw so that the family could stay warm.  Maybe the roots of my affection for those with disabilities starts here.  I was proud of her that she could help the family when it was so needed.

Well, the winter of 2013-2014 is a nasty one too. It is the winter of cold cold temperatures with extreme windchills alternating with warmer but snowy and blustery days.  Often I have reminded myself that at least we aren't the Wilders!  We have a warm house, a good car and plenty of food available. What is lacking is a place to put all the snow!

But there are hardships.  The frost line is so deep that water mains are breaking by the dozens - even closing a major mall.  But even more disconcerting is the fact that 677 houses in Winnipeg do not have running water and the list is growing. The pipes have frozen and the prediction is that the frost may not thaw until June so there is no quick fix.  Three city crews are trying to thaw the pipes but its a slow process and they can't make much of a dent.  Other homes are being told to run water so keep their pipes free - probably until June.  I am thankful that so far we have running water along with our warm house, good car and plenty of food.

The interesting thing is that there is a lot of grumbling about what the City is not doing - clearing the streets soon enough, clean enough, without leaving snow rubble in your already cleared driveway, not giving enough warning of watery roads and of course, not getting the water running!  No matter how many taxes we pay, politicians and civil servants are no match for the weather. I am tired of it all but today I have running water and I am not twisting straw to stay warm.

Tonight I'm going to find my copy of The Long Winter  and snuggle up with a hot chocolate!

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