Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Syrian children

Willow came over this morning while her mom volunteered in her brother's kindergarten class. She showed me how she can now write all the letters in her name - not always in order but they are there. She can now reach light switches and wash her hand in the bathroom sink without a step stool.  She loves all the princesses in Disney Princess Candyland but always lets me be Snow White. And we finished the morning snacking on brownies we had made and watching her favourite movie, The Wizard of Oz.  She is a happy, bubbling, growing three going on four year old.  A precious time for all children but especially lovely if you are the grandparent.

I opened Facebook when she left and found a post from World Renew, the relief arm of the Christian Reformed Church, advertising a drawing contest for the children to help them think about the children of Syria.  Trying to make our North American children aware of the struggles and needs of other children in so much distress so far away may be difficult because we as adults try to forget about it. But I am sure that there is somewhere in Syria or in some neighbouring refugee camp a delightful little three going on four year old girl who can't play games or bake or just share a fun time with her grandma. That life quickly flew away three years ago.  It breaks my heart because the Syrian conflict isn't the only place in the world where lives have been destroyed by geo-political goings on.

I am going to remember to say special prayers on March 15 for the Syrians and keep reminding myself of the other places too.  I am going to check out some opportunities to contribute to education for refugee children and I am going to hug my close by grandkids and call my far away ones. Life is fragile and often short so its important to do what we can and appreciate those who are close.

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