Saturday, December 15, 2007

Early Christmas present

I am excited because I got a little computer table so I can have my computer downstairs in the kitchen. I tried to make an office upstairs but the room was cold in winter and hot in summer. I think I will use it a lot more now and maybe even write more. That's the theory anyway.

Jason and Tara our nephew and his wife from the Edmonton area just left. They have three beautiful children - born in three years and a few months. She is a very busy mom but happy and proud of her kids. Jackson, Wyatt and Lily.

And I can't wait for our next grandchild to be born. Truly and advent season!

Monday, August 27, 2007


Its time to go back to school and I have to confess that this summer I developed an on-line addiction that I have to try to break. Its not Face Book - its a crazy kids game on the CBC website. Train Trax. I find it challenging and oddly soothing. Fortunately it doesn't run well on my school computer.

Check it out. (Sorry, I can't figure out how to make this a link.)

If anyone else gets hooked, maybe we can form a support group on Face Book!

Wednesday, August 8, 2007


Its a rainy and windy, sort of nice change.

This has been a busy summer. July flew by with visits from Scott and Margaret, Ryan, Steph and Ollie and of course, The Wedding. It was such a fun time. Its a little hard to imagine that Scott is married but he and Margaret are so good for each other. It makes me happy.

I also wrote a Kids Page for the Banner which will be published in October.

We just came back from a week in Minnesota. Two days with my brother and his family at a cabin on Woman Lake. Lots of fun - watching the kids play in the water, feeding ducks and tubing. My parents were there too. Its a tough time for them. Kev would have turned 50 last week and my dad's cancer is advancing again. It was good that we all could be together for a few days.

Then Hank and I went to Duluth and along the North Shore of Lake Superior. Foolishly we went to one of the most popular spots in Minnesota on a weekend with no reservations. We were lucky to get a place up by Tettegouche State Park. The downside was it was the LAST place available and probably shouldn't have been rented out. We survived and did see some beautiful scenery.

Now it is August. I always panic the first few days in August because it means summer is almost over but by the middle of the month, I am ready for the routine and challenge of school again. Hank goes back soon so the reality will hit then.

My coffee is gone. Time to go get another cup and watch the rain in the yard.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

What a day!

I had a bad day yesterday. I biked to school but left the garage door open all day. Fortunately our golf clubs and the power tools were still there when we got home.

Then we decided to use a gift certificate and go to Moxie's for dinner. When we got home after doing a bit of shopping too, we discovered I have left the back door WIDE OPEN. Nothing was missing again.

Then I planted a few extra marigolds and decided to transplant a sucker from the Virginia Creeper to our now empty arch. (The clematis died this year.) So I crawled into the back of a the flower bed and tried to dig up the little plant with my trowel. It wasn't sharp enough to cut the root and as I was digging deeper I realized I had about 10 mosquitos on my legs. I jumped up, hit my head on the bird feeder sending bird seed flying which caused me to raise my hands, sending the dirt from the trowel onto my head and into my ear.

I decided to quit working in the yard, went inside, took a shower and forgot to call my parents for my dad's birthday and to see how my mom's cornea transplant had gone.

Today will be better.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Garden Things

Lots is happening at school but I am ready for summer so here are a few funny things happening in our yard.

Little bunnies are living under our sunroom. They like to sit on the warm stepping stones and when you go out in the morning, there are little rabbit turds on on all the stepping stones.

The birds in the feeders are very messy and there is a carpet of millet growing under the feeder. But the bunnies really like millet so they go nibble on it and are leaving my other plants alone.

The big ugly grey squirrel doesn't like me and the feeling is mutual. I yell at him and throw things at him when he is in the bird feeder. When I come into the sunroom now and it sees me, it runs up the elm tree and yells at me. This could get ugly.

That's all for now.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

End of the year

Its been a long time since I posted anything. A lot has been going on but most of it busy, end of the year school stuff. And of course, there is this long list of things I have to do before the end of June but other important things keep popping up. Like extra supervision on a child because of family issues or creating a social story for a little girl who fights on the playground. I am screening all the students who will be new to our school next year and all the kindergarten students with late birthdays. (Fall months - in MB children can start school when they are 4. Not a good idea in my opinion.) Its all good stuff but takes a lot of time.

We are doing some great stuff in our yard which is a really nice diversion. Hank put a stepping stone path in on Saturday. I planted the annuals and moved around a lot of the perennials. We are going to dig up the flower bed in front and change it. You are invited to come to our place this summer, enjoy the yard and have a cool drink (alcoholic or non) in the sunroom.


Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Junk machine

I was at a public place today for an "information session"and couldn't figure out how to work their pop/candy/chip machine. I spent two loonies hoping to get a Diet Pepsi and got a Twix Bar and Peanut M and Ms. I finally did get my Pepsi with my third loonie.

Monday, May 14, 2007


Its my day off and its raining. I love that. I had all sorts of yard things planned for today but now I can't. It's like ANOTHER day off! I also love rain - the sound of it on the roof, the way the flowers look cheerier. (For all you BC people, I love occasional rain, long periods of it - not so much.) I wrote my gardening piece for our church paper on rain. Seems appropriate to post it today.
Sweet, slowly falling, soaking the soil rain filled the puddles in the back lane and cheered up the tulips gradually unfurling in the front bed. We’d all been waiting for it, even during the first bright warm days when we celebrated spring by wearing polo shirts and sandals. We loved it but knew everything would be just a bit calmer, greener and a lot less dusty if only we had a long spring rain.

Yesterday, while I heard weather announcers on the radio apologize for predicting a wet weekend, I smiled and settled down with a good book while I watched the droplets dance in the puddles and the grass turn green before my eyes. It felt as if I should let go a long, contended sigh and savor these last few gentle moments before the scurrying begins.

Rain means I can now work in the yard. While the dust and the mold spores lingered in the leaf litter, I have to stay indoors and watch others doing the clean up. When you have a different raking philosophy than the one who is cleaning up the yard, it is very hard to watch. After a good soaking rain, the things that cause my allergies are floating in the gutters and rivers and I can go out and get my hands dirty at last.

The trees and grass and perennials poking through the beds seem to be feeling the same way. They now have everything they need to grow and bloom and are just sighing, relishing the strength they feel. They are waiting for that next day of warm sunshine and suddenly the world will spring into bloom. There will be leaves colored a gentle green on all the trees, the early plants will shoot up and the lilacs and other flowering bushes will burst into color. The warm smell of rain will be replaced by the subtle scent of flowers. Then the garden shops will be flooded with bedding plant seekers, lawn ornaments will appear and it will be time for iced tea on the deck.

But for now, as it seems so often with a garden, we wait. It will be a short wait and even in this time of holding back there are things to do, pots to clean and plans to make. Our spirits have been lifted, though, because the rain has given us renewed hope for the seasons to come.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

The future is here........

When I was a kid (a pretty long time ago) we loved the spy shows like Man from U.N.C.L.E. and Get Smart. They always had phones where you could see the other person and we'd say, "Someday there will be real phone like that." Well, tonight Scott and I hooked up via iChat. COOL - yet very strange. I visited with Margaret too - but we decided there should be some sort of etiquette for telecommunication like this. How do you greet someone, how do you signal its time to go. We kept feeling that we should wave like you do when you are being video taped. Its a cool technology and I'm sure it will become just another part of our lives soon enough.

Another irritating point of technology - I think some fax machine is calling our number. It happens about every hour. Sure hope it isn't programmed to call all night.

Friday, May 4, 2007

Special needs

The joy of my school year has been one little boy. He is severely disabled but because of strict privacy laws in Manitoba I have hesitated to blog about him. But he is such a big part of my life right now that his name rolls off my tongue that Ryan, Kayla or Scott. Every once in awhile a student "gets in." That means, they get into my heart. I truly love kids and have real affection for the students I work with or help plan for. But with these special needs kids, sometimes it goes deeper than that. And that is how it is with him. His parents are wonderful and I am in awe of the life they have maintained with the intense therapy he requires and the stress he brings. But the greatest thing is that the work we are doing at school - and its a lot - is making a difference in the family's life. He is making huge gains in just being able to live in a community.

He is also teaching us a lot. Once a month we have something called Home Groups where we mix up the students and have a multi grade time of devotions and sharing. My group was laughing at some of the equipment we have for this little guy so I started to tell them about why we needed it and a little bit more about him. They all know who he is and were open and caring when asking questions. I threw out the suggested lesson plan and spent the 20 minutes on this. When it was over and we were getting ready to go to the gym for singing, a boy from Grade 2 who makes you smile because he is Dennis the Menace-like said, "It is a really good thing that >>>> is at our school."

Yeah, it is.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Two of my favourite bald guys.

The weather is so beautiful here right now. 20C which is 68F - warm enough for shorts and a T-shirt. But I have not been feeling great because of my usual spring allergies. The new thing this year is that I have been really short of breath which is a bit scary but also annoying. Even if I walked at my normal brisk pace to the staff room to get something from the printer, I was puffing. I was pretty sure it was asthma - my friend Nanci wanted to come over and give me her inhaler on the weekend. So I have been sitting inside a lot. Just when you really want to get outside and rake the flower beds, take long walks, ride your bike - I have to stay inside to avoid the snow mold. So I found myself on the grumpy side for the past few days.

Watching the sad news stories about Virginia Tech added to my feeling of general malaise. (I've always wanted to use that phrase.) So I decided I had to take action. Today I saw my doctor and she gave me a steroid inhaler for my inflamed lungs. I should be breathing better in a few days. I went for lunch at McNally Robinson's with Kayla who was extremely perky today (Was it the purple shirt?) and I got Curb Your Enthusiasm, Season Two as well as several other books from the library. That should do the trick but if it doesn't I always feel better when I look at my screen saver. Its two of my favourite bald guys. They always bring a smile to my face.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Sunshine, birds and the sound of kids

It is one of the first glorious spring days we have had so far. The sky is a beautiful blue and the neighborhood has come to life! I noticed the pair of hairy woodpeckers across the street and one of the downies was in our elm last night. I heard phoebes calling to each other, robins singing and the scratching of the nuthatch on the elm's bark. The migrating finches will soon be here. And the cheeky little red squirrel chased away the ugly gray one AGAIN.

Tulips are poking through the ground and leaf cover in the front bed and a lot of the perennials are slightly green. They made it through the winter. One of the front cedars doesn't look great but the lilac has buds. Everything seems to be resting in the sun and waiting for the chance to burst out.

I spent a couple of hours washing the inside windows of the sunroom, vacuuming all the edges and washing down the furniture. Its ready for a bbq with the Jory's tomorrow and for us to move into there for the next six months or so. YEAH! I sat down in it with lunch and a PD James novel as a reward but kept stopping to listen to the kids screech as they raced their bikes up and down the street. Spring just makes you smile.

I know that in other places you get this weather earlier but after the long dark cold of winter, I think you appreciate the lightness of the air and the joy of the sun so much more.


Friday, April 6, 2007

Keys found!

My school keys had been missing for almost two months (see Feb. 21 post on my blog). Yesterday one of my EAs who is also a good friend came to me begging for forgiveness and handed them to me! They had been in the pocket of her jean jacket since then! It felt so good to have them back - they jingle in a certain way that the replacement set just didn't. I am also glad to have my trade mark wooden apple back.

She begged me not to tell the rest of the staff that she had them but most people have figured it out. There is a goofy home made trophy at school for staff who lose things and I think I will present it to her.

Monday, April 2, 2007

Highlights of Spring Break (and the one downer)

-Seeing and cuddling Ollie. Especially when he is "fresh awake".
-Scott's profession of faith.
-The BBQ at Margaret's place afterwards.
-Lunch on the patio at some cafe in Abbotford with Scott and Margaret.
-Walking around Mill Lake.
-Seeing snow covered mountains, Mount Baker, and so many daffodils.
-Taking pictures at Margaret's place and interacting with a hummingbird.
-Trying to take Ollie for a walk and realizing he HATES strolling.
-Seeing how excited Hank and Ryan were to golf together.
-Going to White Rock for fish and chips.
-Being able to babysit Ollie so Ryan and Steph could have a date.
-Just hanging out with our kids. We have a good time together.

-The only negative part of the trip was on the way home. We were sitting in a row with a mom and a 15 month little girl who was really cute.We bonded when I shared some stickers with her. Across the aisle were the Dad and a boy who was 5 and another girl who was 3. The kids were great - watched TV, colored, fell asleep. But the parent's squabbled the entire three hours! I wanted to send them away and take care of the cute little kids.
Then the dad sat by me and trashed Winnipeg and gloated over how beautiful Vancouver was. He tried to make a come back when he realized I was from Winnipeg. But too late.

We are happy to be home to our quiet street (even if there are no mountains or flowers yet) and are a bit homesick for our kids on the coast.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Sunday night in Surrey

Its been a beautiful day. The sun shone here - flowers are blooming. It really feels like spring. Scott make profession of faith during really nice service at Hillside CRC in Abbotsford. I am tired and the only modifiers that are coming at really and nice. So just wanted to post that it has been a great day. Ollie is wonderful - we love being with all our kids here in BC.

Oh! and I had to change the look of my blog again. Wanted something springy. That last green template was NOT the way to go. This is better.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Spring Break

I don't have to work tomorrow so I am officially on Spring Break!!

Things I am looking forward to:
-sleeping in tomorrow
-a haircut
-the excitement of going to Vancouver (not the flight, though)
-hanging out with Ry and Steph, Scott and Margaret
-getting to know Ollie again
-the great lattes at Jitters in Vancouver
-talking about Scott and Margaret's wedding
-walking where there is no ice on the streets
-fish and chips and beer and gelatti at White Rock
-Hillside CRC on Sunday when Scott makes profession of faith
-doing a girl thing with Steph and Margaret
I wish:
-Kayla and Harley could be there too.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Good lunch

Last blog - BORING! Sorry. I just had to itemize all the stuff I bought.

Today Kayla and I spent the day together. We went to Osborne Village and ate at an Australian restaurant - Billabong. It was GREAT! There was a really good kiwi dressing on my salad and she had the fish and chips - battered tuna with amazing skinny fries. We had pavlova for dessert. Harley wanted to go there for his birthday lunch but it wasn't open so we went to Cafe 22 instead. Too bad. (Cafe 22 has good food but this was better.) Kayla and I decided we will go there for our birthday dinner in April.

We also just had a lot of fun. I feel really blessed that our kids like to hang out with us. Even the in-laws or in-laws to be, I think. Looking forward to time with the BC crew in 2 weeks!

Oh! Its really melting here today. You need lots and lots of windshield wiper fluid when you are driving around. Spring is coming!

Thursday, March 8, 2007


It is my day off and usually try to avoid stores but today I needed some things. This is what I got and some musings. Oh! I went to three different shopping areas very close together - I didn't have to drive between most of these stops.

First stop: Zellers
-one Timex watch with an analog face but that has a timer.
I bought a watch about a year ago - designer. But the little stem broke and now I am stuck with it, 5 minutes fast and only on Central Standard Time. This will be a problem after this weekend - remember, clocks ahead! I also am always forgetting to meet teachers or children in my job so bought a watch just like my friend who is a school counselor. She is going to have to teach me how to set the timer.
-plastic wall clock
The clock in my little work room at school is broken and again I keep the children too long when I actually remember to go get them.
-a new outdoor mat for the back door
I slipped and fell there this morning. Some water dripping from the roof froze and was covered with a thin coat of powdery snow. Hopefully this will be more safe.
-a new toothbrush
Why are there so many kinds? And why are they so expensive!
A small one for my purse and a larger one for my desk at school.

Second stop: Pharmasave Drug Store
-Get a prescription filled

Third stop: 10,000 Villages (MCC store)
-fair traded, organic coffee for the morning: Mexican Morning
-fair traded, organic coffee for the evening: French Roast Decaf
-fair traded, organic dark hot chocolate mix because it is very very yummy!:Camino brand

Fourth stop: Sobeys
Weekly grocery list.
yogurt, vegetables, fruit, cayenne pepper after an unfortunate cooking mishap, and fixings for Thai food tonight. YUM.

Fifth stop: Pharmasave
The wonder drug that takes away my migraines.
Again, why are there so many kinds!

Sixth stop: Tim's
-Large coffee with double milk. Rolled up to win a ...... doughnut. (Still no nano!)
-3 mini cinnamon rolls.
2 for me, 1 for Hank when he comes home.

Seventh stop: Winnipeg Public Library
-returned 8 books - 3 I never read.
-took out two non-fiction because I am giving up my beloved mysteries for Lent. So far it has been a good thing to do.

So that was my morning. I didn't realize how many places I had gone! But I got the things I needed and now am I'm off to do what I really like to do on my day off - read.

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Times are a-changin'

I was in the hall on Thursday when the Grade Three class was coming in from recess. I overheard one girl say to another, "So, do you want me to come to your real house or your on-line house?"

Wow! Welcome to the 21st century!

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Public Transit and Hints of Spring

It was my day off today so I took the bus downtown to meet Kayla for lunch. I don't know if I could depend on public transit all the time but it is interesting to ride the bus once in awhile. It is awesome for people watching. Everyone from stately elderly ladies with carefully curled air to young people with multiple piercings and jet black hair styled in mind boggling ways. In between you have office people and school kids and casual riders like me, going downtown for the afternoon. It is also quite stress free if you aren't on a strict schedule. No parking worries, no lane changes and you can even read a book - if reading while moving doesn't make you feel queasy. And since you aren't driving, you walk a lot more, see more of downtown, smile at more people, avoid a few more panhandlers and get more fresh air. All in all a good way to go on a laid back day off.

The down side of riding the bus at this time of year is that you wait by the curb. The streets are very wet and the gutters are filled with gray brown slushy stuff that sprays up very easily. You have to be quick to jump back for fast moving vehicles! But that is the first sign of spring so you can't dislike it too much. I came home and shoveled the same yucky stuff out of the garage and opened the end of our driveway. The graders had been through and now we are actually driving and walking on pavement!

I also saw a downy woodpecker in our tree. He is here all winter but it was still good to see some wildlife back after the long cold spell.

I know in BC there is probably something ready to bloom but here we take every little hint of spring we can! I love winter but there is something really exciting about seeing it wane.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007


I lost my school keys. I misplace them frequently - though I have been much more careful this year. But on Friday one of the special needs kids was away so the EAs and I took the opportunity to do some housekeeping. We moved some furniture around, cleaned up several work areas and the tech guy and I moved computers too. At the end of the day, my keys were gone. I tried to retrace my steps, no keys. I told the janitor and the after school program mom. No keys. I keep looking in boxes, under desks - I cannot find them! This time they seen truly LOST. Did they end up in a garbage can or will they turn up in some box in a few years? Will the school have to re-key all the locks! (Gulp!)

But it is interesting to me that though I am unhappy about the key situation, I feel worse about losing the little wooden apple I had on the key chain. Ryan gave it to me years ago as a souvenir after his high school trip to New York. (Big Apple - apple for a teacher.....) It's been my "worry stone" and I am going to miss it.

Sunday, February 11, 2007


I write a little thing called Gardening Lessons for our church newsletter. It comes out about four or five times per year. I just finished the one for February so thought I would post it here too. Let a few more people read it.

Last night on television, a street reporter asked several people what they would prefer, the frigid cold with wind chill temperatures that feel like –40C or summer with mosquitoes. All but one said, the cold. I was rather surprised by that because I felt many people would prefer summer. But for me the answer to that question is exactly the same; I prefer the cold to the heat of summer. I did complain about the long cold spell a few times but most of the time, as a gardener, I think the winter is wonderful.

I look out of my windows, front or back, and see a beautiful, breathtaking view, that I had no hand in creating. Trees stand tall and proud, with glittering snow on their branches, silhouetted against a brilliant cobalt sky by day or cool blueness by moonlight. Drifting powdery snow has created interesting sculptures by my back door and the tracks of a brave squirrel across the back yard make me smile. Occasionally, you will hear the chirp of a chickadee and see it venture to the bird feeder and then ruffle its feathers in the warmth of the sun. All this beauty is a complete gift from God. I didn’t plant, water or weed. It is just his handiwork spread out to enjoy.

When we venture out for a walk, the crisp snow crunches beneath our boots and the cold air in our lungs feels renewing and invigorating. One day, we walked at dusk while a gentle snow was coming down. It was like diamonds falling from the sky all around us. I thought of Isaiah, “Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow.” And that is how the world seems: fresh and clean and cleansed by His Hand.

But for me, even better than the beauty of the snow outside is the joy of coming in. Frosting glasses just means that the house is warm, the kettle is waiting and we don’t need to fear the harsh cold. We live inside with very little awareness of the winter outside. I often think we take that joy for granted.

After I have been out, I love to be wrapped in a comforter with a warm beverage in my hand, reading a good book. I brew a pot of tea or coffee, snuggle on the couch, and keep an eye on the neighborhood and read mysteries, or devotional books, biographies or journals on teaching. Sometimes, I start to plan for spring planting but it is far away. I can stay in the winter cocoon for a while and appreciate it.

I do admit I don’t like the cold cars, the icy streets, the constant looking for lost gloves and scarves. By the end of March I will be ready for another favourite season and will probably want to grumble if it takes too long to come. But for now, I am going to enjoy the gift of my garden and home in winter: peace, quiet and breathtaking beauty.

Saturday, February 3, 2007


It is -33 C here today with a wind chill which brings it down to below -40! Yikes! But the odd thing is - I sort of like it. You bundle up and run to your car and do only what you really have to do. Then you go home and read, do crosswords or cook stews and soup. It looks great outside - the snow is sparkling even though its not really sunny. I realize that I really don't hate winter - I'm not to crazy about the heat of summer, though. Good thing I became a Canadian.

Thursday, January 25, 2007


I am waiting for one of my educational assistants to come to a meeting. This is my EIGHTH meeting this week and have another after school. I missed one yesterday on my day off and have another tomorrow. That is 10 meetings in 1 week. That's the sort of down part of being a Resource Teacher. I am also busy testing several children. The Phonemic Awareness Test is getting tedious. So many sounds to make. I am also doing something called KeyMath. Its more fun because I haven't done this test as often. We just hope that we can find something through the testing to help these students.

Oh! My EA arrived.
Another EA and a student came to show me some really excellent work! This is the good part of my day!

Friday, January 12, 2007

Going to BC.....

Two hours till I leave school, pick up Kayla and we fly to BC.
We are so excited - just going away together is really fun. But this is better because we get to see the boys (Ryan, Scott and OLIVER!) and Steph and Margaret.
Its too bad Hank and Harley can't come but flying is pretty expensive so it will have to be another time.
I'll learn how to post pictures when I get back.

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Food Grains Bank

My friend Nanci and her husband Steve (changed the billing) are in Ethiopia to make an instructional video on what the Canadian Food Grains Bank does. There are two blogs about their trip - one Steve's and one from the CFGB.

I checked them out yesterday and had a bit of a gulp moment. Steve's guitar and a lot of their video equipment did not arrive in Addis Ababa. Fortunatly is was a lesser guitar - still not something you want to disapper but at least it wasn't Steve's main concert guitar. Maybe it will show up.........

Anyway, check out the blogs.

Monday, January 8, 2007

Check Out Opinions

Hank and I were shopping for the dinner we are preparing for Dordt's Choir on Wednesday. We were checking out large quantities of lasagne fixings when the woman who was packing her bags in the other half of the checkout lane (Yes! my amazed kids, we were at SUPER Store!!!)leans over and says, " I hate those noodles you don't have to boil first. They're awful and never cook up right. I wouldn't use them." I laughed and said I was just the shopper, someone else made the list and was going to do the cooking. She went on again about how awful those noodles were and how she would never buy them

WHO CARES! Did she think I was going to run to the far back of the store to exchange those 6 boxes of lasagne noodles because of her?!

Check out rule #3 (after don't steal and don't take 12 items in the 9 only line) - don't make negative comments about what other people are buying!!!! Its none of your business!

Sunday, January 7, 2007

School Tomorrow

After a busy but good break, school starts again tomorrow. It is actually my scheduled day off but I will go in and take a day later in the week. I'm eager to go back. I was thinking about my job a lot this vacation. I like it. I feel really blessed to be able to work with little kids all the time. I love them, their insights and their energy. I also really like finding the best way to help the students with needs - I've been trying to do initiate some enrichment classes for some students but I think my heart is really with the special needs kids and their parents. I think about doing other things but more and more I realize I am where I am supposed to be. Duh! About time for someone who is 51 and a grandmother!

I also really like the people I work with at school. I am the "boss" of the educational assistants we have - 11 of them on staff though I don't supervise them all. But what a great group of women. (We'd welcome some men but they don't apply!) I value and trust their judgment with the students we work with. They are the ones who see the student day in and day out so even though they don't have as much education as I do, they have a lot more knowledge of the students. We're colleagues and that just makes the days together great too.

So tomorrow will be OK. Time to go back and see my students and my friends.

Friday, January 5, 2007


My personal pain monster.
For two days it lurked behind my right eye - flitting in and out. Once in awhile, I thought it was gone but not really. The pressure of its presence lingered.
I took the amazing little tablets my doctors prescribes and it hid twice,
which was good because I could enjoy Scott's visit and
I almost believed it had gone away but this time it was very persistent.

So last night I literally crashed into bed at about nine o'clock.
I think I was asleep within 30 seconds of my head hitting the pillow
and I slept till ten this morning.
Then I slept again from about 12:30 - 1:30.
I go regularly for massage therapy to try to tame this monster that haunts me and my massage guy once told me during a similar bout of pain, "The only way you are going to get rid of this is with a 14 hour crash." Once again he was right.

But there is a sweet calm that comes after the pain. Just being awake with out wanting to hold my head in my hands is wonderful. And the permission to go easy, drink tea, read quietly, cancel appointments, even ones you want to keep. I'd rather not have the pain and even more I'd rather not have the fear of the pain. But you take what blessing you can!

I'm just glad its gone. Now I'll live as though it doesn't exists until it comes back.

Tuesday, January 2, 2007


It's Janary 2, 2007. Hank and I spent the morning drinking good coffee from the high tech coffee maker Kayla and Harley felt we really needed. (Our old one was Scott's old machine and painfully slow-especially when you NEED your AM coffee.) We are almost finished with our first puzzle of the Christmas break. This is our description of the perfect vacation day!

But it is also a day of reflection. Kevin died a year ago today. I remember clearly the moment James my brother-in-law knocked on the guest room door at his home in Minnesota and told us the unbelievable news. Life has been different since. I see the pain and struggles Sandy, her kids and my parents face daily. His absence is so glaringly obvious to them. But they go on. Its different for each of us, his siblings. Our lives haven't changed in the same way but there are still gaps and so many questions. He was such a lively man. He loved people, loved life, loved his calling as a farmer, loved to sing, the list could go on and on. I'm glad so many Psalmists cried, "why!" to God because I have used their tears to deal with my own. But in the end, I know that no matter what, God holds us and loves us and even if it doesn't seem to make sense, He is still our only comfort.

2006 was also the year Margaret entered Scott's life and our own. We loved her from the moment we met her and are so happy for the two of them. The wedding in July will be fun and joyful.

And November 8, 2006, was also a wonderful day. Oliver Henry was born. Ryan and Steph are and will be great parents. God has blessed them with wisdom and committment and I trust that they will continue to lean on him for help in this big task. Hank and I are going love and enjoy that little boy ( and any other grand kids that may follow!) So many blessings even in the shadow of sorrow.

God is gracious and good and faithful.